be accomplished. "For the fourth time now the Saviour announces that he will be delivered to suffer and to die"[33] (this verse, plus the three cited above). that all things that are written by the prophets, concerning the son of man, shall be accomplished; particularly, Psalm 2:1 Psalm 22:6 for to these the following things have respect. "Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament". 18 Et l'un des chefs [du peuple] l'interrogea, en disant : « Bon maître, que faut-il que j'aie fait pour hériter de la vie éternelle ? over the Scythopolitan bridge, and so through part of Samaria, he chooseth the and what was to be done with him there. The answer to this question is very simple. 3 Pilatus aber fragte ihn und sprach: Bist du der Juden König? https: Copyright StatementThe New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernised and adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. 5448 5 19 1 – 19 mm Art.-Nr. Luc; Luc 18:18-34; Luc 18:18-34. Geldenhuys saw this passage as the FOURTH announcement of Jesus' Passion. [33] Norval Geldenhuys, op. Watch Queue Queue. Tradetur enim Gentibus, et illudetur, et flagellabitur, et conspuetur: et postquam flagellaverint, occident eum, et tertia die resurget. H. Alford, Sermons on Christian Doctrine, p. 166. "Commentary on Luke 18:31". W. McGarvey and Philip Y. Pendleton. "The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible". Charles Schribner's Sons. BibliographyBeza, Theodore. Et cum appropinquasset, interrogavit illum, dicens: Quid tibi vis faciam? 31-34. "[34] He also denied any necessity of supposing that the details in view here were retrospectively included in Luke after the events occurred. And He took the twelve to one side and informed them of His expectations. Verset Clé 18 : 33. "The 1599 Geneva Study Bible". Wochenlied: 413 384. C'est la troisième fois que Jésus prédit à ses disciples ce qui va lui arriver. 36 Et ayant entendu la foule qui passait, il demanda ce que cela pouvait être. "Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible". Any questions, comments, or problems, please email me . Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished. https: At ille dixit: Domine, ut videam. "Commentary on Luke 18:31". Luke 18:1. concerning = for: i.e. – Als Er Sich dann Jericho näherte, saß ein Blinder am Wege und bettelte. https: manifold more. Li Bib la an Kreyol Ayisyen, Fransè ak Anglè ansanm. În vremea aceea, luând Iisus la Sine pe cei doisprezece ucenici ai Săi, a zis către ei: Iată, ne suim la Ierusalim și se vor împlini toate cele scrise de proroci despre Fiul Omului. Granted, that it was necessary for Christ to submit to death in order to the taking away of the sin of the world, why did He die as He did? https: 1863-1878. We have great need to consider will what notions we have concerning the things of God, before we entertain them; for false notions once taken up, are not without great difficulty laid down. 31.] First I say in answer, that we cannot tell how much of deep humiliation and desertion and anguish was absolutely necessary, in the covenant which infinite wisdom arranged, to make that death the full and sufficient sacrifice, oblation and satisfaction, for the sins of the whole world. Broadman Press 1932,33. 1765. BibliographyTrapp, John. Copyright StatementThe Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament. Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall 1675. BibliographyPett, Peter. 37 Et on lui rapporta que Jésus le Nazaréen passait. 11 Le pharisien, debout, priait ainsi en lui-même: # És 1:15; 58:2. Pikante Reispfanne (Eierreis) mit gebratenen Muscheln (mit Schale), Tintenfisch und Krabben, frischem Gemüse und Curry. Als er das Volk (das nach Jerusalem pilgerte) vorbeiziehen hörte, fragte er, was das sei. only). Bibliography"Commentary on Luke 18:31". En Luc 18:31, le Seigneur parle de Lui-même comme Fils de l'homme. St Mark, with one of his graphic touches of detail, describes Jesus walking before them, and (as we infer from the expression of the Evangelist) in such awful majesty of sorrow that those nearest Him were filled with deep amazement, and those who were following at a greater distance felt a hush of fear (Mark 10:32). All this blindness and unbelief of the disciples was bottomed in the false notion of the Messiah which they had taken up. 1897-1910. Publié par Luc … https: 1871-8. And they understood none of these things; and this saying was hid from them, and they perceived not the things that were said. The ancient Greek concept of the gods visiting human beings lay behind this difficulty. Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary. That are written through the prophets ... Jesus kept the distinction ever in view that it was not the prophets who wrote the Holy Scriptures, but God who wrote them "through the prophets." "Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament". BibliographyGill, John. "John Lightfoot Commentary on the Gospels". https: Auf Wunsch mit Hühnerfleisch, frischem Gemüse und Curry 10,90 € 18 REISNUDELN SINGAPORE € 12,90. "The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge". 18.31.020 - Definitions. Throughout church history there have been those who, like the Greeks, had trouble accepting Jesus" full humanity and others, like the Jews, who have resisted His full deity. For a list of things Jesus prophesied of himself, see under Luke 9:22,45; 13:33, and parallels, in Matthew and Mark. Er aber schrie noch lauter: «Sohn Davids, erbarme Dich meiner!» Da blieb Jesus stehen und ließ ihn zu Sich bringen. Were not the words easy enough to be understood? Et Jesus dixit illi: Respice, fides tua te salvum fecit. Stans autem Jesus, jussit illum adduci ad se. They were approaching Jerusalem, and as far as He was concerned it would be for the last time, for now the things clearly written about Him in the Scriptures must come to fulfilment. Luc/Lik 18 Vese 31 en Creole Haitien, Jezi pran douz disip yo apa, li di yo: Tande, men n'ap moute... Read Luke 18:31 in Haitian Creole. The Word of God, which is in Scripture, is the rule of all the things which shall come to pass, even of the things which shall come to pass in the life eternal.— τῷ) The Dative expresses the force of ל prefixed, i.e. Luc 18:31 S21 Jésus prit les douze avec lui et leur dit: «Nous montons à Jérusalem et tout ce qui a été écrit par les prophètes au sujet du Fils de l'homme va s'accomplir. Luke apparently stressed the fact that Jesus" ministry fulfilled prophecy so his readers would have greater confidence in Him (cf. Luke 2:25-38; Luke 22:37). We shall afterward, in the history of our Saviour’s passion, see all these things exactly fulfilled, and our Lord here assures his disciples, that it was but in accomplishment of all that was prophesied concerning the Messiah; nor was it any more than he had told them, Luke 9:22, and again, Luke 9:44 Matthew 20:17-19, Mark 10:32-34. So Bornemann (Scholia), “a dei filio perficientur, i.e., satisfiet prophetarum vaticiniis a dei filio”. So Mark 10:32. 1865-1868. Expository Notes with Practical Observations on the New Testament. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library Website. If a man do not firmly and clearly hold that, he has not a notion of what is meant by the doctrine of Christ's atonement for sin. Pfarrer Dr. Andreas Hinz (ev) 10.02.2013 in der Gottesdienst Paul-Gerhard-Gemeinde in Stuttgart Estomihi 2013. Copyright StatementThese files are considered public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available in the Online Bible Software Library. Nor is it necessary to insert ἐν before τ. ὑ. τ. ἀ. It was the ultimate and perfecting act of His obedience, to carry down into death that death-sentenced nature which He had taken into the Godhead; to subject His Divine Person to the dark—and to us utterly mysterious—contact with the actuality of death; and to put by His almighty power of casting off from Himself the sentence of death which He bore about Him. Lit., through; the preposition expressing secondary agency. However, our Saviour thought fit to inculcate them, to prepare them against the offence they might take at them when the providence of God brought them forth. 31 Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished. In Matthew 1:22; 2:5; 2:17, etc., throughout the Gospel, there are many texts in which this same concept of God's writing "through the prophets" is emphatically stated. He suffered as a sacrifice for the sin of the world. Copyright � Broadman Press 1932,33, Renewal 1960. transjordanine way to the fords of Jericho. Copyright StatementThese files are a derivative of an electronic edition prepared from text scanned by Woodside Bible Fellowship.This expanded edition of the Jameison-Faussett-Brown Commentary is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". We have great need to consider well what notions we entertain concerning the things of God. DD. "Scofield Reference Notes on Luke 18:31". The sense is not “shall be fulfilled by the Son of Man”. Luke 18:31. τελεσθήσεται, shall be fulfilled. 18 Jésus leur adressa une parabole, pour montrer qu'il faut toujours prier, et ne point se relâcher. Da rief er: «Jesus, Sohn Davids, erbarme Dich meiner!» Die Vorausgehenden schalten ihn, er solle schweigen. [He took unto him the twelve.] 1917. us go into Judea." https: Zylinderkopfausbau. ‘And he took to him the twelve, and said to them, “Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all the things that are written through the prophets will be accomplished to the Son of man.” ’. Luc 18:1-8 Louis Segond (LSG). BibliographyNicoll, William R. "Commentary on Luke 18:31". "Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable". Sie sagten ihm, Jesus von Nazareth gehe vorüber. 2 Il dit: Il y avait dans une ville un juge qui ne craignait point Dieu et qui n'avait d'égard pour personne.… Evangile de Jésus-Christ selon saint Luc. Luc 18 31 Jésus prit les douze auprès de lui, et leur dit: Voici, nous montons à Jérusalem, et tout ce qui a été écrit par les prophètes au sujet du Fils de l'homme s'accomplira. BibliographyRobertson, A.T. "Commentary on Luke 18:31". 5448 5 25 1 – 25 mm Art.-Nr. much danger? The analogy of the Redeemer's whole life leads us to the humble inference that nothing less than such an amount of self-denial, and endurance of pain, and contradiction of sinners, was enough for the accomplishment of His mighty purpose, even in its hidden and unfathomable recesses, where it flowed forth from unity with the Father's will. Luc Arbogast spielt Musik in der Tradition der mittelalterlichen ländlichen Musik seiner französischen Heimat und nimmt auch bei deutschen Musikern wie Walter von der Vogelweide und Hildegard von Bingen Anleihen. Apôtre Dje Djagne Sylvain. (not with γεγραμμένα). 1914. Căci va fi dat păgânilor și va fi batjocorit și va fi ocărât și scuipat. "Commentary on Luke 18:31". all written by the prophets concerning the Son of man … be accomplished — showing how Christ Himself read, and would have us to read, the Old Testament, in which some otherwise evangelical interpreters find no prophecies, or virtually none, of the sufferings of the Son of man. It is probable he was at Bethabarah when the BibliographyClarke, Adam. Il cherchait à engager le cœur des disciples -- et le nôtre -- avec ce qui Le concernait comme tel. Ap 3:17, 18. "Commentary on Luke 18:31". Used by permission of Broadman Press (Southern Baptist Sunday School Board). We are face to face here with genuine prophecy. First published online in 1996 at The Restoration Movement Pages. for a full discussion of the meaning of this expression. Le jeune homme riche. https: These files were made available by Mr. Ernie Stefanik. The Expositor's Greek Testament. Die Anzeige kann nach Saison, Verein, Ligahöhe und Wettbewerb gefiltert werden. Predigt über Lukas 18, 31-43 von Heiko Naß . https: Then, &c. For verses: Luke 18:31-34, compare Matthew 20:17-19, and Mark 10:32-34. And this had been even more reinforced by the fact that a prophet could not die outside Jerusalem (Luke 13:33). Bei dem Bauern Peter Georg Johannson war das 7. “as concerns the Son of man:” and there is included the notion of the Dativus commodi. In jener Zeit nahm Jesus die Zwölf beiseite und sprach zu ihnen: «Seht, wir ziehen hinauf nach Jerusalem: dort wird alles in Erfüllung gehen, was die Propheten über den Menschensohn geschrieben haben. Nach oben. BibliographyNicol, W. Robertson, M.A., L.L.D. We find our blessed Saviour very frequently acquainting his disciples with his approaching sufferings, to prevent the offence that they might take at them, when the providence of God brought them on: this design was to arm them with expectation of his sufferings; and to quicken them to preparation for their own; yet, it is here said, That the disciples understood none of these sayings: Why so? New York, USA. Luke 18:31. παραλαβὼν, having taken to Him) in private: Matthew 20:17.— πάντα τὰ γεγραμμένα, all things that are written) Jesus made of the utmost consequence those things which had been written. Finding the new version too difficult to understand? Luca 18, 31-34. Tradetur enim Gentibus, et illudetur, et flagellabitur, et conspuetur: et postquam flagellaverint, occident eum, et tertia die resurget. Diese Statistik zeigt alle Leistungsdaten von Luc Eymael. 1983-1999. Luc 18 Verset 31 - La Bible en Francais la Bible dit: Luc 18, Verset 31: Francais: Luc 18:31 "Jésus prit les douze auprès de lui, et leur dit: Voici, nous montons à Jérusalem, et tout ce qui a été écrit par les prophètes au sujet du Fils de l`homme s`accomplira." ‘Taking them apart,’ and on the road, as we learn from Matthew 20:17. So Pricaeus: “ τελεῖσθαι hic esse quod Marc. This was a secret reserved for them. by = by means of, or through. This video is unavailable. Als er herangekommen war, fragte Er ihn: «Was soll Ich dir tun?» Er antwortete: «Herr, daß ich sehe!» Jesus sprach zu ihm: «Sei sehend; dein Glaube hat dir geholfen.» Sogleich sah er, pries Gott und folgte Ihm. BibliographyVincent, Marvin R. DD. Our blessed Lord sums it up for us in a few simple words "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me." I. It is good for us to hear, though it be only for the time to come. Renewal 1960. 1 Er sagte ihnen aber ein Gleichnis darüber, dass sie allezeit beten und nicht nachlassen sollten, 2 und sprach: Es war ein Richter in einer Stadt, der fürchtete sich nicht vor Gott und scheute sich vor keinem Menschen. Luc. https: The Son of Man must suffer under the beasts (where the suffering of the ‘son of man’ is depicted in terms of the suffering of the people of the Most High) (Daniel 7). Consequently Luke presented much evidence for his Greek readers throughout his Gospel that Jesus was a real man.

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